Wednesday 29 February 2012

Africa is Educational

I've been slacking on my blog, so here's some things I've learned this past month:

-I can buy one of the most expensive bottles of wine in a fancy Sandton City restaurant for $22.
-'The Phantom of the Opera' is just as good here as it is in New York.
-I can bargain my way down from R450 to R325 pretty well (apx.$56 to $40).
-P90x is not a fun workout (week 4, day 3).
-Only my fellow shoppers know where to find hummus in the store, not the workers.
-I need to just accept that we will catch almost all the African viruses while we're here.
-Mango is really good.
-I can watch all the Academy award shows live if I want to be awake at 3am.
-I still cannot speak with 'clicks' or 'pops' or understand the 'locals'.
-You can buy just about anything at the China Mall, including a real sword.
-Acupuncture hurts.
-Taking a photography class was a brilliant idea.
-I make a great from-scratch chicken pot pie.
-I should make sure I check my shoes for frogs before I put them on.
-Fork lifts at top speed are a great way to travel through Makro, or so I've witnessed.
-If a lizard dismembers itself from it's tail, the tail still wiggles around for quite awhile.
-When someone says 'hi, how are you?', the correct and only accepted response is 'fine, thanks, and you?' because they will answer 'fine, thanks', even if you don't use this response.