Thursday 21 February 2013

100 DAYS

Have I made a post yet that doesn't include me talking about somebody being sick? Well, then why stop now? My allergies and sinuses were acting up again but I managed to avoid a 6th sinus infection, for now. Plus I can no longer get my antihistamine nose spray here so I have to try something else. Jackson got sick the end of January with a low fever for several days that ended up being a left-over ear infection and bronchitis. He took his breathing treatments very well. Three weeks later he got a low fever again but it didn't turn into anything, although he has new bumps and blisters on parts of his body. Two days later Miranda got a high fever and then a sore throat with a splotchy red rash all over – Scarlet Fever. She missed 3 days of school but was able to go back today.

We had workers all over adding another layer of thatch to our house for 3 weeks and 2 days. They should have been done a lot sooner, but when you don't show up until 10am, then immediately lay down in the garden and take a tea break, it takes much longer. It was such a horrible mess and seriously aggravated my sinuses with all that junk falling from the ceiling all day. They pretty much just take bundles of grass and shove it into the old stuff. I was taking pictures and stopped to talk to one of the workers, trying to explain to him how it's impossible to have a roof like this where I'm from. He seemed to think otherwise, we just needed a thicker layer and stronger wooden supports. Apparently he has not seen 'The Wizard of Oz'. Then he proceeds to tell me that Americans are 'ignorant' because we all think that the people in South Africa live in tiny huts. What? I was not in the mood to argue with someone who clearly is unfamiliar with mass media.

Miranda is back in swimming lessons and progressing nicely. After 7 months of lessons last year and taking a break during winter, she 'forgot' how to swim. Luckily a friend of mine started teaching here in the estate and has a lot more patience for her than I do. She is growing like a weed, and since we'll have summer again when we move home, hopefully all her clothes will still fit. Poor thing had an evil classmate tell her that 'Santa doesn't exist because he got really old and died.' What kind of parent tells their 5-year-old this and then says it's ok to go to school and tell all her friends? I can accept that not everyone does 'Santa' at their house, but this is going a bit too far in my opinion.

Jackson loves school and is really bored on the days he is home with me. But he LOVES to ride his balance bike and play in his jumping castle. Trains and cars are still his toys of choice, and anything that Miranda is playing with. We converted his crib to a toddler bed and pushed the open side up to the queen-sized bed in the room since it is still pretty high off the ground. He would have been fine without it converted, he has never tried to climb out, but we thought we'd give it a shot and see what happens. Every night has been very successful, and he stays in bed until we get him up in the morning. The potty-training is going ok, he's starting to figure it out, but I'm not going to push it until after we get home. Who wants a newly-potty-trained toddler on a 16-hour flight or in line at customs?

Rusty & Jozi both had their birthdays and now we're trying to figure out travel arrangements to fly her home. Unfortunately the airline-approved kennel we purchased here is too small for the height requirements, so we are having the transport service make her one. She is still a puppy and likes to chew up the kids toys to get attention. She's a good walking companion but is still needing more training.

100 more days and we will be home! I'll actually be able to go to one grocery store to get everything I need and they will have kleenex every time. When it rains, the traffic lights won't just stop working for several days. I can go for a walk at dusk and not fear bats attacking me. But I won't be able to stock up on $3 bottles of wine or live within walking distance from all my friends. If anyone still wants to come visit, I'd love to take you on a safari!