Saturday 11 June 2011

Healthcare is Cheap!(er)

This week was pretty uneventful, until today.  Wednesday and Thursday were pretty chilly, but Friday was nice, and today was glorious!  Yet most people are wearing sweaters and jackets, and the random people at the intersections are selling hats and gloves and ear muffs.  After being in pain all day yesterday I decided I needed to go to the doctor today and get a perscription for mastitis.  I called two clinics; one wouldn't answer the phone, and the other started taking walk-ins after 2pm.  So I took my chances and showed up at the place where they wouldn't answer the phone because several co-workers recommended it.  I hardly had to wait, and the pharmacy was just below it.  We have to pay full-price up front and then get reimbursed by our insurance company, so one appointment + 3 filled perscriptions = $110.  Unbelievable.  We may not even bother filing the claim. 

Afterwards we went to brunch at Mugg & Bean which has it's own child play area.  There was a cookie-making station, a sandy area, ball pit, blow-up trampoline, jungle gym and slides, and a petting zoo with rabbits and guinea pigs.  There were also some random geese and a couple of roosters walking around the eating area (outside).  I ordered a pancake (flapjack) for Miranda, but it was located in the 'dessert' section of the menu.  Waffles are also a dessert here.  And the "All American" breakfast combo included Boston baked beans, toast, 2 eggs, french fries, 'bacon' (ham), sausage, and a fried tomato.

We went to "Spar" today which is another grocery store, but you can find a few more 'American' items there.  I paid $3 each for canned cream soups you use for baking.  But a whole fresh pineapple was $1.  Still can't find fine brown sugar, so we bought molassas and made some ourselves.  Rusty mixed it for about 10 minutes until it was completely blended.  I will be testing it this week with a favorite cookie recipe.

We bought a scale today and Jackson is now 18.8 lbs.; he turned 8 months on Monday.  He crawls super-fast and pulls himself up on everything.  This morning he decided to slip on the condensation on the concrete windowsill and bust his lip.  I didn't notice how bad it was until I saw the blood on my shoulder.  Apparently his 2 bottom teeth chomped his top lip!  But the bleeding stopped and now it's just a bit swollen.  Tonight we had fun playing Uno and Tumblin' Monkeys that we bought at Toys R Us.  We may attempt an open-air market tomorrow so I'll have to put my 'bargaining' face on.          

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