Tuesday 21 June 2011

We're Finally in a House!

Been slightly busy since the last post, I hope to update my blog more so I don't forget anything.  Sunday (the 12th) we went to an open-air market on top of yet another mall.  There are so many malls here I can't keep them straight, plus all the outdoor shopping areas.  The market is only set up on Sundays, and it's basically a craft fair, so I was in heaven.  I will be spending a fortune there one of these days.  There was so much hand-carved, hand-painted authentic items, whoever comes to visit will get to go.  I purchased three beautiful sarongs and was able to bargain my way down from R240 to R180, which is about $26.

The next week was the last week in the apartment, but it was still tough as I was without a car, not that I want to drive anywhere anyways.  We met with the owners of the house we're renting on Friday and they told us we could move in on Saturday instead of Monday like the contract stated.  They are two extremely nice and easy-going people.  The wife, Wendy, said she was sad to leave her home.  They are renting a smaller place about 6km away so they are available if we need anything.  They also have a 'game ranch' which is about a 3-hour drive east of here.  It's a much bigger home than this one and they said they only live here Monday-Thursday and head out to the ranch on the weekends. 
Moving is never fun and I finally got everything unpacked today, thanks to our maid, Anna.  She lives here in a little apartment attached to the outside of the house and works in the house Tuesdays and Thursdays.  She does all the cleaning and laundry, although I'm going to wash my own clothes on the days she's not here until I get used to it all.  Right now she's ironing Rusty's work shirts and pants.  Hope he doesn't get too used to that because it won't be happening when we return home in 2 years.  The gardener arrived this morning and has been doing yard work all day; he works on Tuesdays.  We provide them with bread, frozen chicken, milk, and tea for their lunch; Anna fixes her own and the gardener's.  She was shocked when I told her I wasn't used to someone else doing things for me.  I had to explain that I do all the cleaning and washing, etc. at my home.  Miranda really likes her and follows her around while she cleans, trying to help.  Again, I had to explain that at home she helps me clean and do the laundry. 

It's winter here so the days are pretty nice, but it's chilly at night.  We have space heaters and the floors are heated so it's not too bad.  I was enjoying the longer days back home and then get here to shorter days.  But today is the shortest day of the year so it's all uphill from here.  Summer begins in September. 

I haven't driven too much, but I did go out for the first time today BY MYSELF!!!  There's a small Pick 'n Pay grocery store across the street and a toy store.  I think I did pretty well, but it was still scary.  This neighborhood is gated and you have to get through security with a card or a code, then you have to find your house.  I think there are about 1,000 homes here.  Our yard backs up to another gated community, but we're completely surrounded by trees and shrubs that I feel very secluded.  I've counted about 4 different types of palm trees in our yard so far.  The lemon tree has a couple dozen green lemons that should be ripe in about a week or so.  Next to it is an open area that's all ready for my garden this spring.  Graham, the owner, told us to just go buy the plants and the gardener will take care of it.  But taking care of it is half the fun! 

Everything is so different and it's going to take some time getting used to it all.  Re/Max sent us a nice 'welcome' gift basket last night with some cappucino packets and glass mugs, some liquor that tastes like fruity Bailey's, and some stuffed animals, pink marshmallows, and princess wands that Miranda has claimed.  I had to call Rusty when they arrived because I couldn't figure out how to open the front door and gate.  Whoops.  Oh, and Betty Crocker cake mixes are $6/ea so I guess I'll be making mine from scratch for awhile.

Book your flight, we're ready for visitors! ;-)

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